Please take a moment to review our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy below. Note that due to our small size we have to strictly adhere to the policies listed below and there can be no exceptions, even in the case of an emergency.
1. Definition2. Check-in time is 11:00 hrs & Check-out time is 10:00 hrs. If guests need access to the rooms before 11:00 hrs, it must be upon written approval of the Reservations team. Similarly, late departures beyond 10:00 hrs must be upon approval, else the extra stay will be chargeable.
3. The Guest and/or Signing Guest(s) and/or the principle agree to pay the resort 100% in advance, the room rate as determined by the resort for the period of residence, at the time of booking. The Guest and/or Signing Guest(s) and/or the principle agree to pay the resort no later than the time of departure (unless prior written arrangements have been made with the resort) any food, beverage, any other commodity, service charges and/or any other such state or central taxes and levies payable by the Guest(s) to the resort as determined by the resort.
4. The Guest and/or Signing Guest(s) will be liable for damages (not limited to the Cash deposit) caused to the resort and/or its property on account of any act, omission or negligence of the Guest(s). A refundable security deposit will be taken in cash upon arrival per room, and returned no later than the time of departure (barring no damage by the Guest(s)). If the damage is discovered after the Guest(s) have left, the resort reserves the right to charge the Credit Card of the Guest(s) and/or the Signing Guest(s) with the said damage; or to send an invoice for, the amount required to repair any such damage to the Guest(s) and/or the Signing Guest(s).
5. The Guest(s)/Signing Guest(s) acknowledge that the room rate may be subject to change without prior notice.
6. The resort management reserves rights of admission.
7. Indemnity:
8. Cancellations: In the unfortunate event that you will not be able to join us, please review the cancellation policy below:
9. Jurisdiction: In the matter of enforcement of any rights or remedies hereunder, in pursuance of this Terms and Conditions, the Courts of Mumbai alone shall have jurisdiction. The signing guest(s) on signing this Terms of Residence, warrants that he has read and understood and is duly authorized to sign and bind himself, his principle, as well as each and every guest in his accompanying party including invitees (if any), to this terms and conditions of residence; and failing such authority, the signing guest(s) agrees to be personally liable to pay for the residence of guest in his accompanying party including invitees (if any) and/or for any claim or claims of whatsoever nature that may arise against the owners/operators of the Resort, their associates, servants, employees and/or any person connected whether directly or indirectly with the running of the Resort and/or fellow guests/invites which might have arisen out of harm, injury, death, or loss suffered whilst on the premises or property of the Resort and whether arising from an act or omission on the part of the owners/operators of the Resort, their associates, servants, employees and/or any person connected whether directly or indirectly with the running of the Resort. These terms and conditions are required to be agreed to by the Signing Guest(s) and/or his/her authority at the time of booking.